Tuesday 3 February 2015

The best blogs are here

Mathematics is beautiful

"The beauty in mathematics is unappreciated by many but matched by very little." 
All sorts of things related to mathematics. 

I know it can be difficult to find (tumblr) math blogs, so I thought I’d try to compile a list of them.  If you know of a math blog that’s not on this list, tell me about it and I’ll add it.  This list will be updated as more blogs come to my attention.
http://maths19999.blogspot.in/ this blog gives you very meaningful mathematical knowledge.
abettermathclass:  This blog shows that math can be fun, particularly in the context of teaching.
appliedmathemagics:  This blog focuses mostly on math humor and other nerdy jokes.
benmath:  This blog focuses on shapes, patterns, fractals, and combinatorics.
curiosamathematica:  This bog has various things related to mathematics, including jokes, fractals, and visual representations.
dailymath:  This blog posts math problems (high school level) every weekday.
dailypi:  This blog updated daily with a digit of pi.  It has not actually updated since January, but you may still be interested in checking it out.
do-math:  This blog has various things related to math, with an emphasis on visuals.
fibonaccirabbits:  This blog contains lots of things related to mathematics, particularly math jokes.  It is in German.
imathematicus:  This blog posts just about anything related to mathematics.
ipiphi:  This blog posts various things related to mathematics, with a focus on visuals and gifs.
mathematica:  This blog has just about everything related to mathematics.  Includes applications, fields of math, and various other things.
mathforlovers:  This blog has a variety of things related to mathematics.
math-is-beautiful:  This blog contains any and all things related to mathematics.
mathmajorproblems:  This blog contains a lot of math jokes and math humor.  It also notes the problems of being a math major or loving math.
mathmajorprobs:  This bog talks about the common problems faced by a math major.
mathwork:  This blog focuses on calculus.  It answers questions, but also posts other material.
minutemath:  This blog has a variety of things related to mathematics, especially visual things.  It also collects stories of why people love math, where more information can be found here.
mmeblair:  This blog covers various topics related to mathematics and attempts to connect people interested in mathematics.
numberrr:  This blog contains mostly math humor, mathematically inspired art, and math textbooks.
polyaenumeration:  This blog introduces mathematical topics.
proofsareart:  This blog features proofs on a variety of mathematical topics.  It focuses on the beauty and elegance of particular proofs.
secxtanx: This blog has a lot of things related to math, including humor.
teachmetheory:  This blog discusses game theory and code theory.  It was part of a final project and no longer updates.
thatmathblog:  This blog talks about a lot of things related to mathematics.  It has lately focused on weird examples and counter-examples, which can be found here.
theapproximatepresent:  This blog posts various things related to mathematics.
themathkid:  This blog focuses on pure mathematics.
truebeautyofmath:  This blog contains links to a site devoted to demonstrating the beauty of mathematics.
try-and-touch-my-asymptote:  This blog contains a lot of miscellaneous mathematical things.
visualizingmath:  This blog focuses on mathematical design and other visual areas of math.
weapons-of-maths-instruction:  This blog shows appreciation for many aspects of mathematics.
whatilearninmath: This blog covers a variety of topics, including abstract algebra, combinatorics, analysis, linear algebra, and topology.  A table of contents can be foundhere.
wolframalpha:  This blog is the official tumblr of WolframAlpha and contains information about WolframAlpha.
Blogs with a strong focus on math and science:
1ucasvb:  This blog posts things related to math and physics, particularly functions, with animations to demonstrate concepts.
backwardinduction:  This blog focuses more on science, particularly physics, but also contains a lot of math stuff.
isomorphismes:  This blog covers various topics related to math and science, in addition to some miscellaneous stuff.
mathmajik:  This blog focuses mostly on math, particularly mathematical design, but also branches out into the sciences.
matthen:  This blog contains a lot of math, science, and their intersection.
Blogs with a lot of math, but also personal or miscellaneous stuff:
2radical3:  This blog contains a lot of math, science, and art.  It focuses on math primarily as an art.
infiniteascent:  This blog has a lot of personal stuff, but also covers a variety of mathematical topics and does problems.
insane-mathematician:  This blog has a lot random mathematical things, including math problems, and a fair amount of personal stuff, particularly fandom related.
isolatedvertex:  This blog contains a wide variety of things.  Exclusively math related things can be found here.
math-a-magic:  This blog contains a lot of math, including problems and proofs, but also contains personal things.
mathematics-is-beauty:  This blog has graphs, equations, and theories.
nemosland:  This blog varies between math and TV shows with some other things thrown in.
vendittelli:  This blog contains lots of math, especially solutions to problems, and general geekery.
Blogs focused on quotes:
mathprofessorquotes:  This blog documents the strange and amusing things math professors say.
mymajesticmathprofessor:  This blog shows the behavior of math professors.
Blogs focused on design or mathematically inspired art:
advanced-geometry:  This blog focuses on geometrically inspired art and found geometrical patterns.
arithmetical-design:  This blog features all sorts of mathematical art.
benny-cheung:  This blog has beautiful modular and geometrical origami.
chaotic-renan:  This blog contains mostly fractals.
coolmathart:  This blog contains all sorts of art related to mathematics.
geometrydaily:  This blog updates daily with a minimalistic geometric composition.
geometric-aesthetic:  This blog has lots of geometric designs and geometric art.
intothecontinuum:  This blog has patterns and geometric designs, along with the code used to generate them.  Possibly avoid if you have photosensitive epilepsy.
mathrecpics:  This blog has mathematical and geometric designs.
neutrinoprism:  This blog creates fractals and designs based on certain algorithms.  The process is described hereand here.
nonitram:  This blog has a wide variety of mathematical and geometric designs.
Again, if you see a blog that isn’t on here, let me know and I’ll add it.  If you think a blog is in the wrong category, talk to me about it.  I’ll be the first to admit the categories are rather arbitrary.  If your blog is listed here and you don’t want it to be, tell me and I’ll remove it.

Thank you

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